"And no one puts new wine into old wineskins, for the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.” 
- Matthew 9:16-17
Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church is a vibrant faith community dedicated to worship, service, and outreach. To sustain our ministries, our facilities need revitalization.

The New Wineskins Revitalization Campaign will enhance gathering spaces, Campus Ministry, and our aging elevator while funding future maintenance. Please support this effort with a gift or pledge by April 13th to help Maxwell Street thrive for generations!

Here's what to expect.

A place for Community and Connection

We’re excited to share our Capital Campaign plans to breathe new life into Maxwell Street! Many of our spaces are overdue for a little TLC.

But it’s not just about freshening up; we’re also reimagining how our spaces can better serve our community. For example, we’re expanding the lobby area outside the offices to create a welcoming, open gathering space for before and after worship.
Our growing Campus Ministry program also deserves a dedicated, accessible, and student-friendly space to call home. We’re also planning updates to the restrooms on the top floor of the Education Building and in Fellowship Hall to ensure they’re comfortable and modern.
We can’t wait to see how these updates will help us continue our mission and build a more vibrant, connected community.

Community Space Goal


Ensuring Accessibility for All

"That part is not stocked anymore."
This answer is becoming more and more common when our 35-year-old elevator needs a service repair. Maxwell Street's sanctuary, office, meeting rooms, and library are on the second floor. The choir room and social worker offices are on the third floor. To access Fellowship Hall, you need to go down a flight. Imagine if you were someone who finds stairs to be a particularly daunting obstacle and the elevator was not working because parts weren't available?  

To ensure Maxwell Street is accessible to all for years to come, we plan to modernize our elevator. This involves replacing critical parts and controls, most of which you will not see. But you will see the results when you guarantee people of all abilities the chance to fully participate in the life of this church.

Elevator Renovation Goal


Maintenance & Sustainability

Keeping our facilities in great shape isn’t easy—our annual maintenance costs often exceed what’s set aside in our Operating Budget. From HVAC repairs and plumbing to roofing and parking lot upkeep, these big-ticket items add up quickly.

Thankfully, we’ve received a truly generous gift of $100,000 from the Richard Marshall Estate, which has allowed us to create a new fund in the Endowment. The income from this new Endowment fund will help offset maintenance costs going forward—what an gift for the future of our congregation!

Looking ahead, we also plan to use any remaining funds from our revitalization and elevator projects to strengthen our Maintenance reserves. By taking these steps now, we can ensure our church continues to be a welcoming, well-cared-for place for many years to come.

Major Maintenance Goal


Maintenance Endowment


Extending Love, Building Hope

Beyond our own needs, this campaign is also about extending God’s love into the broader community. A portion of the funds—$35,000—will go toward building a Habitat for Humanity home, offering someone in need a safe and stable place to live. When the time comes, we’ll also invite the congregation to help build this home with their hands and hearts.

Habitat for Humanity Goal


Make a pledge today

The New Wineskins Revitalization Campaign will enhance gathering spaces, Campus Ministry, and our aging elevator while funding future maintenance. Please support this effort with a gift or pledge by April 13th to help Maxwell Street thrive for generations!