10:30 Sunday Service
It's World Wide Communion Sunday! Join us as we celebrate the Lord's Supper remembering that we are part of countless others who gather at table around the world to give thanks and celebrate the love of God in and through Jesus Christ.
If you're part of the church long enough, you'll eventually find something about it embarrassing. Honestly, it might not take very long at all! It's good to remember that this is nothing new. The Apostle Paul, in the earliest days of the budding Christian church, wrote to his young apprentice Timothy, "Do not be ashamed, then, of the testimony about our Lord or of me (Paul) his prisoner..." which, if you're anything like me, might make you wonder why Timothy is already feeling ashamed. I hope that upon reflecting on the opening of this letter with me on Sunday, you'll discover Paul's guidance to be interestingly relevant to us as individuals as well as to the church today.